Cool Comics: Rewarding Cool Pets

Cool Cats
5 min readSep 27, 2022


When we introduced Cool Comics, we did so with the intention of rewarding our dedicated holders with a brand new storytelling utility, as well as an opportunity to burn some $MILK for those who have been hard at work collecting it.

With this in mind, it was important for us to recognize that Cool Pet holders are noticeably disadvantaged when it comes to generating $MILK. For some, this drop wouldn’t be a case of burning surplus $MILK — instead the Comics would be something that holders would have to actively save up for. We couldn’t let some of the cutest amongst us miss out; that wouldn’t be very cool at all.

That’s why we decided to give away 100 Cool Comics to selected Pet-only holders, as a way of showing our appreciation for their extra level of commitment. But before we did that, we needed to find out more about our Pet-only holders in order to appropriately allocate the Comics. Here are a few statistics:

Pet-only Holders: 5,795
Quests Completed: 4,319,690
Boss Quests: 6,910
Highest Quester: 16,191
Average Quests/Egg: 231

These stats showed us that there are certain members of our community who pour a lot of time into the keeping of Cool Pets, and that we needed to develop a robust scoring system in order to reward accordingly.

The Selection Process

To ensure that things were equitable, we put together a detailed method of selecting eligible Cool Pets holders and took it to the Cool Cats Community Council. The Council supported our idea — and expressed that the airdrop needed to be done in a transparent way; which is what brings you this article.

Together, we settled on the following:

The 100 Cool Comics will be airdropped to holders with 2 or fewer pets and the highest ‘pet holder scores’.

This ‘pet holder score’ is a calculation of a number of factors, each determined to display an admirable level of commitment to Cool Cats. Before we get into the actual calculation of that, here are some factors that were considered:

  • Number of Pets Owned
  • Game Activity
  • Pet Evolution
  • Boss Quests
  • Community Involvement

Number of Pets Owned

We wanted to give away Comics to holders who were the most disadvantaged, and our data pointed towards those with only one or two Cool Pets, so that is where we set our sights. If we assume that everybody spent all of their $MILK on the last raffle, holders with one or two Cool Pets wouldn’t be able to earn enough $MILK by grinding each day. It looks a bit like this:

Days Since Raffle: 58 (July 25-Sep 22)
Pet $MILK/Day: ~600
One Pet: 34,800 $MILK
Two Pets: 69,600 $MILK
Mint Price: 75,000 $MILK

With this in mind, we felt it was reasonable to focus this giveaway on holders with fewer than three Cool Pets.

Game Activity

By analyzing the data some more, we found that there were A LOT of wallets with one or two pets that had very little activity; which was as expected. There were also a large number of players who were questing every day, as well as doing Boss Quests whenever their $MILK supply allowed. We thought these holders were the most qualified, which altered our distribution criteria a bit more.

Here are some more stats:

Wallets with one or two Pets: 5,296
Wallets with >375 Quests/Pet: 1,082 (min required to fully evolve with 50 interactions w/accelerated $MILK)

Pet Evolution

People have valid reasons for not evolving their pets, and we needed to make sure that we were reinforcing the evolution of pets; therefore we decided to award a slight advantage to players that had fully evolved their pets. We want to see those 1 of 1's too!

Boss Quests

Completion of Boss Quests was another factor considered. Knowing that $MILK acquisition was a lot more difficult for holders of one or two Pets, we had a certain level of admiration for those who were using that $MILK to experience more within the game.

Thus, completing a Boss Quest awarded another small bonus to a holder’s score.

Community Involvement (including $MILK Sinks and Beetah)

This was an important one!

With all the previous factors considered, we were left with a mixed-bag of holders with varying degrees of involvement in the community. We needed to find a way to hone in on those who were spending the most amount of time in the community, but we also needed to assess that fairly based on everyone’s personal schedules.

Holders who were involved in community events such as Beetah testing, banners, Discord Heroes, Backstories, and NYC projections were rewarded bonus points.

The Results?

After considering all these factors, we built a scoring criteria for the 100 Comics airdropped to Cool Pets holders:

  • Pets Owned: One to Two Pets
  • Pet Evolution (Highest Pet Form): Egg → 0 points; Stage 1 or 2 → 500 points; Final Form → 1,500 points
  • Game Activity: Quests per Egg — 1 point for each quest (max 1,300 points)
  • Boss Quest(s) Completed: 1,000 points
  • $MILK Sink Participation: 500 points for each (max 1,000 points)
  • BEETAH Participation: 500 points

After calculating the above, we collated the top 100 scores, and wallets associated with these top 100 scores received an airdrop of the Cool Comic.

Of the top 100 scores, it became apparent that all of them needed at least one Boss Quest, or to have participated in a $MILK sink with many clicks spent questing. For reference, the winning scores ranged from 3,400 to 4,976.

We felt this was the fairest way to distribute — by focusing on holders who have actively stuck by the community and supported the growth of the game. For holders who didn’t make the cut this time, don’t fret, there will be more opportunities in the future.

Please note: Wallet addresses that received this airdrop will not be eligible for future Cool Comic giveaways.

Thank you for playing and continuing to support Cooltopia! WLTC!

